Product Packaging & Labeling Reference

A Basic Resource List

I recommend working with a consultant to advise you on legal requirements associated with your product. This may include calculating serving size correctly and confirming that final design meets legal labeling requirements. Clients are responsible for understanding and conveying the legal requirements for their product, including content and design requirements. Please ask people in your network for consulting recommendations for the product that relates to your industry, for example, Food Consulting Company. Allow ample time to review, deliver, and make design adjustments for all food, cosmetic, and health packaging.

For your reference, a few guidelines and requirements are outlined below. This resource will grow over time.

Food Products

For food product packaging design projects, visit the following resources.

Health Products

For health product packaging design projects, visit the following resources.

Karen Kopacz

Design for the Arts provides brand engagement and creative campaigns for print, Web and multi-media initiatives. Brand developer and designer Karen Kopacz partners with forward-thinking entrepreneurs, businesses, and organizations to strategically and creatively accomplish goals.

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